Nestle NAN quruq sut aralashmasi 4, 18 oydan boshlab
Artikul: P-0689041 Sotuvda mavjudNestle NAN quruq sut aralashmasi 4, 18 oydan boshlab
NAN 4 Optipro - spetsialno razrabotannaya detskaya smes dlya pitaniya detey ot 1,5 let i starshe, sozdannaya na osnove dannyx, poluchennyx blagodarya issledovaniyam Nestlé v oblasti obespecheniya zdorovya detey v techenie vsey jizni. The mixture contains a unique combination of ingredients: OPTIPRO, 2'FL and probiotic BL, which will support the healthy development of your child, will help to establish a solid basis for the future health of your child.
Sostav: moloko obezjirennoe, svorotka molochnaya demineralizovannaya, maltodextrin, rastitelnыe masla (rapsovoe s nizkim soderjaniem erukovoy acid, podsolnechnoe, podsolnechnoe s vysokim soderjaniem oleinovoy tsalyk, emokit tsol, laconic acid, coconut milk) 'FL, fat, potassium phosphate, vitamins (S, E, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamine (vitamin V1), a, V6, riboflavin (vitamin V2), folic acid, K, biotin, D, V12), regulator of acidity potassium hydroxide, sulfate jelly, zinc sulfate, culture bifidobacteria (bifidobacterium Laktis) (not menee 1x106 KOE (CFU) / g (g)), sulfate medi, potassium iodide, sodium selenate. Upakovano in zashchitnoy environment.
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